I left around 10 PM after a ten-hour wedding on a Saturday night to make my way down to the Franklin/Nashville, TN area to stay with my friend Morgan, of Heck Designs, and attend the Callie Lindsey Workshop/Business intensive. Woof- I had no idea how much my mind and body needed this experience. If you have been following me for sometime now, you may have remembered that I attended the first workshop January of this year in Franklin.
Callie reached out to us again this summer and offered a part two or reunion and I was all for it. Callie is one of my favorite educators because she ALWAYS allows time for group talk and discussion where we are able to share personal opinions, experiences, and heart with one another.
I will never not continue my education as both a photographer and business owner. I think I have it figured out at this point, but you can never stop learning how to better serve your self, vendors, and clients.
Not only was it great to see some familiar faces from all over the US again and meet a few more, but honestly, WHAT A THERAPEUTIC TRIP. Really though y’all, we got deep and we all needed this trip. While I was in Nashville for less than 48 hours with multiple things on my agenda, it was so great to be there and I will forever be thankful for this trip both professionally and personally.
Images courtesy/copyright of KAYLEE CREIGHTON photography