July 15, 2021
Going on a baby moon was one of the best decisions we have made during this pregnancy! Pre-baby I had previously booked my friend, Kate’s wedding in Nantucket, MA. When it just so happened that I’d be 31 weeks pregnant on the trip, we made a week out of it. When I say we needed it, boy did we need it after the last year. It felt so great to get out of the house and in the sun together after a year of being mostly stuck at home.
Nantucket was beautiful and had the PERFECT weather for a prego in her third trimester in the hottest time of the year! Never once was it humid, there was always a breeze, and it was cool enough to wear comfortable clothes but warm enough you were never cold. The island felt like a Hallmark movie in real life. Everyone was wearing pastels and prints and had a dog! We had a ton of sandwiches and walked at minimum a few miles every single day. We we’re feeling GREAT!
This time to get away was absolutely amazing! We had the best time at Kate and Dre’s rehearsal dinner and wedding. Recapping some photos below!
See more baby planning inspiration on our blog!
Images courtesy/copyright of KAYLEE CREIGHTON photography